Xanadu on Broadway
At Mark's insistance we saw Xanadu. I had to tease him more than a little
At Mark's insistance we saw Xanadu. I had to tease him more than a little
Greetings from the Upper West Side!
After our third ultrasound we finally know that the Alien Frog Baby Hunt or Cletis the Fetus is a girl. In celebration we have already grounded her and shut down her Myspace page.
No turning back now.
Normally I don't use my blog to drone on about what I ate for lunch and the latest movies I've viewed. But.... Last night we went to the Big Picture in Redmond to see OSS117. I wasn't terribly excited to see it, but we are big fans of the Big Picture, we had a gift certificate and had no interest in seeing their Seattle offering of "Sex in the City". So it was "Film In the Suburbs" instead. I would highly recommend this bizarro French spy movie. I would also recommend seeing it at the Big Picture. Though I didn't partake in the alcoholic beverages it's fun to have the option. I can only imagine how entertaining it would have been with a couple Martinis.
We are currently going through our music collection with DJ Dennis in hopes of coming up with a playlist for our wedding. I don't know that I have ever looked at Mark's music collection. It was probably wise to accept the engagment ring first.